
Publicació de la 2on trobada de treball del projecte COST sobre agricultura periurbana

From 12th to 15th of March 2013 COST Action Urban Agriculture Europe has held its 2nd Working event in Barcelona and Castelldefels. Besides the 60 COST participants about 40 additional guests have attended the public conference day when examples of Urban Agriculture from Barcelona Metropolitan Region were presented including the Baix Llobregat Agrarian Parc, the Espai rural de Gallecs parc and other initiatives from the Barcelona region. Several of thes places were visited on field trips as well.

The programme of the meeting can be downloaded below. The presentations held at the meeting and a detailed report will soon be published as well.

Documentation of the second Working Group Meeting of the COST ACTION Urban Agriculture Europe. Castelldefels 2013

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WEB COST Urban Agriculture Europe, 2nd Working Group Meeting

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